Friday, 14 March 2014

A Cooke From The Monks Kitchen

One thing you need to do this spring friday is kinda let your backbone slip, and shake.

The Monks Kitchen with an irresistible cover of the 1964 Sam Cooke song Shake.

Available here and the album here

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Metal Mecanique Music

The Lapland album is out this week. The excellent Metal Lungs single from last year is very reminiscent of Musee Mecanique, which can only be a good thing.

The other immediate stand-out track on the album is Drink Me Dry. After the previous post Holding Pattern, another song about flying. Or at least, referencing flying, but about something else entirely.

Get the lapland album via

Talking of Musee Mecanique, where's their second album From Shores Of Sleep got to? I can't keep listening to Hold This Ghost forever. (I can).

Kansas Boston Toto Journey

Kansas Boston Toto Journey, Foreigner and Styx.

It's only been out a few days but perhaps my most played album of the year already. The production (from MMJ's Jim James) is faultless, the bass seems suitably high in the mix and is nicely audible throughout, driving several of the songs. As with all good albums, as you discover them your current favourite track switches several times. On one track, My Eyes Are Blue, he does sound a bit like Mr Garrison from South Park (now try getting rid of that thought when you hear it). There are too many highlights to mention, but I am finding it particularly difficult to get past Heartless People without repeating it. Happy And Free with or without you evokes cowboy hats and joshua trees and is a perfect finish to a fine album.

Listen to the Dean Wareham album, you too can be happy and free for a while.

Pay for it via

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

I'm old and cold and tired and useless (and toothless)

Easily song of the year so far. Joyous. I can't stop playing it. With a little bit of you...

Orange Juice - Stanley Brinks And The Wave Pictures

Get it from Fika, and album Gin

Men At Twerk

Where women glow and men plunder, where beer does flow and men chunder.

Men At Twerk.

Men At Work - Down Under.

That's enough twerking puns.

Finest Twerksong

Michael Cyrus?
Miley Stipe?
Finest Twerksong.

REM - Finest Worksong.